The San Diego Historical Games Convention (SDHistCon) is an event hosted and coordinated by a dedicated cadre of local gamers and friends. At its inception, our intent was to create a viable gaming space dedicated to the playing and exploration of historically-based conflict simulations (often referred to as “wargames”), but our mission has since evolved and expanded to one where we seek to create a diverse and supportive gaming community dedicated to historically-based simulations more broadly.
Saturday, June 8th, 2024
(7am UTC to 2am UTC Next Day)
San Diego Historical Games Convention (SDHistCon) is once again holding an online con, meaning it will take place over the internet. We strive to create as seamless of an online experience as possible and hope that — with a minimum of effort on your part — you can join us for a scheduled series of incredible online historical gaming sessions and demos, seminars, live streams and other wargame community events, all from the convenience of your own home. Most of our events will be coordinated using the popular Discord app (available free to all users). A full day badge costs $10.
For more information and to sign up to attend the event, head to the event page at Table Top Events.