Save the dates for SDHistCon Summit 2024 this fall!

We’re gearing up for the 2024 SDHistCon Summit Convention, to be held in San Diego from November 8-11. This convention will again be at the S.E.S. Portuguese Hall of San Diego in beautiful Point Loma, two blocks from the harbor, close to the airport, and surrounded by delicious places to eat. You can read more about that venue and last year’s convention here.

This convention will again include notable designers, publishers, content creators, and more. Here are some of the many who attended last fall:
Kevin Bertram
Gene Billingsley
Tory Brown
Harold Buchanan
Dan Bullock
Steve Carey
Jason Carr
Matthias Cramer
Liz Davidson
Justin Fassino
Grecia (Midnight Boardgaming)
Ananda Gupta
Candice Harris
Kai Jensen
Mark Johnson (Wargames To Go)
Nick Karp
Alex Knight
Meeple Lady
Grant Linneberg (Pushing Cardboard)
Sam London
Michael Maners
Jason Matthews
Roger Miller
Alexander Klein and Grant Kleinheinz (The Player’s Aid)
Joe Schmidt
Taylor Shuss
Mike Smart (Zilla Blitz)
Maurice Suckling
David Thompson
Dan Thurot (Space-Biff!)
Jason Walonoski
Cole Wehrle
Drew Wehrle
Natalia Wojtowicz
More details on attendees and special events for this year’s convention will be announced at a later date.

This year, SDHistCon Summit will expand to a full four days of gaming, Friday through Monday. Registration for the con will open on August 14 at 1 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Pacific. A link on where to register will be posted at the Conflicts of Interest Online portion of our website at that time. Registrants will also gain access to the exclusive convention Discord server and pre-convention talks with designers.

We hope to game with you in San Diego this fall!

One Reply to “Save the dates for SDHistCon Summit 2024 this fall!”

  1. Any idea on how much registration will cost? Really hoping to make it this year!

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