Events to watch for at SDHistCon Second Front 2024

With our online convention SDHistCon Second Front 2024 less than a week away on June 8 (badges are still available here for $10), it’s worth taking a look at some of the many events on offer. As of Sunday night, we have 55 events lined up, with some further ones still to come. Here are five to consider. All of the events below do not have an attendee cap, but tickets (free with a convention badge) can be obtained at the event links below to indicate your interest and help plan your con schedule.

DefianceMark Herman, co-designer (with D.B. Dockter) of the upcoming GMT game Defiance: 2nd Russo-Ukrainian War 2022-?, will walk through that game in a 90-minute seminar. (10 a.m. ET/7 a.m. PT.)

An image for the "Defiance" game from D.B. Dockter and Mark Herman.

Combat Commander: Learning The Ten Axioms For Play: In a 90-minute seminar, Patrick Pence and Kai Jensen will share 10 axioms for players from Patrick’s years of running the Combat Commander ladder and Kai’s work developing the game. (8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.)

A Combat Commander image.

VUCA’s ‘1916 Romania: Prelude to Blitzkrieg’ sneak peak: Patrick Gebhardt will present a 60-minute preview of VUCA Simulations’ upcoming 1916 Romania: Prelude to Blitzkrieg, successor to 1914: Nach Paris(1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT.)

A "1916 Romania: Prelude to Blitzkrieg" image.

Demo Assault Tactical Sicily 43 – Gela Beachhead: Wolfgang Klein, owner of German design studio Assault Games, will run a two-hour demo of their upcoming Assault: Sicily ’43 – Gela Beachhead. This follows Assault: Red Horizon ’41. (2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT.)

An image for Assault Tactical Sicily 43 - Gela Beachhead.

You can check out all the events for SDHistCon Second Front 2024 here!