San Diego Historical Games Convention announces 2023 Summit Award finalists

San Diego Historical Games Convention Announces 2023 Summit Award Finalists The San Diego Historical Games Convention (SDHist) is proud to announce the four finalists for the second annual Summit Award. The Summit Award aims to recognize a historical board game Read More …

Evolving the Charles S. Roberts Awards and embracing the future of historical gaming

This piece is from SD HistCon founder Harold Buchanan. Harold is an award-winning designer whose designs include Liberty or Death (2016), Campaigns of 1777 (2019), and Flashpoint: South China Sea (2022). He has been a historical gamer since 1979. Harold Read More …

COIN Corner: MoneyTalks, or what divides and unites the series’ economic-focused factions

This Conflicts of Interest Online post is from SDHistCon COI Online editor Andrew Bucholtz. This is the first installment in an intended occasional series covering GMT Games’ COIN series, and its commonalities and divides across factions. Amongst his other historical Read More …